Is about SAR
Mysarlife is about creating a forum to bring the SAR volunteer community together for fun, social, business and philanthropic interactions. The campfire stories, rescues and epic failures are what make the volunteering experience memorable.
New members and people thinking about SAR will also find helpful
resources and information to assist with their decision to invest the time
or look for an easier volunteer gig.
Most people don't know how Search and Rescue functions: Unpaid people
risk life and limb to help complete strangers. SAR volunteers climb
cliffs, hike long distances, dive in cold water and search for sometimes
days and nights on one mission. Why do they volunteer? What is the motivation?
Mysarlife.org is supported by volunteers and community members willing to put in a little extra time to elevate the SAR hero and their efforts.​

Bring to light the SAR community efforts
one volunteer at a time.
Create a convergence between SAR organizations and corporations around a philanthropic goal of evolving SAR as a business and volunteer-focused support.